

A Comprehensive Report Available In Seconds

In an industry wary of change, TERRAFORM reduces the risk of innovation by allowing the right team to capitalize on resilient, net-positive, lucrative tech and system integration for sustainable projects before the first sketch.

Become a Beta User for the newest solution for sustainable building design–TERRAFORM

TERRAFORM analyzes climate, calculates resource impact, and connects the right team to get your project started. is a web-based rapid analysis application for sustainable building design. With only a location, building type, and area TERRAFORM generates a comprehensive report for sustainable projects before the first sketch.

Build a better future for humanity

TERRAFORM provides the data to create a built environment aimed at defeating global problems facing humanity today from poverty to resource scarcity, from deforestation to climate change.

find the right team from start

TERRAFORM offers concept level planning that suggests high performance building systems and their manufacturers, recommends the local designers to implement the systems, and finds contractors with the experience to build them. The US Small Business Association database can be referenced to prioritize the communities we want to build.

bring innovation to new projects

TERRAFORM reduces the risk of new ideas allowing the right team to build a resilient, net-positive, world and elevate us towards the Resource-Based Economy.



TERRAFORM analyzes climate, calculates resource impact, and connects the right team for architects, engineers, and builders to begin a project.

Enter Project Information

Location, building use and area is as simple as it gets, and customization can take the level of detail down to hundreds of variable to meet your firm’s needs.

Generate Report

The Concept Report is produced in seconds, saving hundreds of man hours per project, and reducing risk.

Customize Key Data

Analyzing the regions and building type your team typically handles is key to customizing algorithms and databases that focuses your report on


Featured In The TERRAFORM Comprehensive Analysis Report

Climate Analysis

  • Heating and Cooling Degree Days

  • Annual and Seasonal Rainfall

  • Annual and Monthly Wind Speed and Direction Per Time of Day

  • Temperature and Humidity Per Hour

  • Psychrometric Analysis

Economics Calculations


  • Summary of Energy, Water and Waste GHG Emissions

  • Carbon Credit per Ton CO₂

  • Energy and Water Site Production Offset

  • Waste Site Treatment Offset


  • Sustainability Return and Cap Investment

  • Operational Costs and Savings

  • Cost Reductions and Savings

  • Net Present Value

  • Federal, State and Municipal Incentives

Waste Calculations

  • Cost of Waste

  • Wastewater Treatment Analysis

  • Septic Systems and Utility Wastewater

  • Waste Cost Savings and Reduction

  • GHG Emissions

  • GHG Site Treatment Offset

Agricultural Calculations

  • Coming Soon

Transportation Calculations

  • Coming Soon

Energy Calculations

  • Cost of Power

  • Energy Losses

  • Energy-Water Use

  • EUI Target: High Efficiency Design and ZEB Target Design

  • Annual Energy Consumption

  • Off-Grid Power Provided

  • Renewable Production

  • Annual Solar, Wind, and Storage Energy Overview and Production

  • Annual Energy Consumption

  • Energy Cost Savings and Reduction

  • GHG Emissions

  • GHG Site Production Offset

Water Calculations

  • Cost of Potable Utility Water

  • Water Losses

  • Water-Energy Use

  • Plumbing Systems

  • Rain Water Production Systems

  • Rainwater Harvesting

  • Supply Water Systems

  • Ground Water Production

  • Water Consumption

  • Water Cost Savings and Reduction

  • GHG Emissions

  • GHG Site Production Offset

Team Recommendations

  • Listing of Systems, Design, and Builder Partners

  • Manufacturer Product Listings

  • Design Guidelines

  • Key Contact Information