
atlantis project


The Atlantis Project creates designs to allow the built environment to reach beyond the land to the seas, and eventually to the stars. Aiming to ensure humankind thrives in the new world to come, the open source design approach cultivates a spirit of community required to seize the opportunities our new technology affords.

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  • Shipping and containerization design promotes scalarization and prefabrication, while allowing for design flexibility by establishing compatible standardized unit metrics

  • Allow the project size to scale to the indefinitely large and small with geometric similarity for simplification of construction and consistent aesthetic

  • High quality, distributed manufacturing, at onsite or offsite facilities transportable by rail, ship, or truck and enables blockchain component manufacturing


  • Distributed Utility Infrastructure with Water, Power, Waste, and Communications on-site promotes robust resiliency, independent communities and economies

  • Self-sufficiency promotes a strong community that is self-aware and accountable, knowing that direct investment returns directly; net-positive resources eliminates debt caused by trade deficits and reliance on external sources


  • Incorporating Coral Reefs, Shellfish, Mangrove, and Fisheries provide regenerative marine habitat, a robust aquaculture economy, and carbon sequestration

  • Remote locations enable hubs for deep-sea cleanup of plastic waste while providing structure for marine habitat in ocean desert areas

  • Superstructure designs tackles coastal sea level rise by providing storm surge protection

  • Integration of desalinization technology eliminates fresh water shortages

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  • Projected construction budgets already target an undercut of the cost of affordable housing in major coastal cities

  • When located near shore the commute via electric ferry is faster than the national average

  • Rapid Deployment allows for housing of refugees from natural disasters and political unrest. Consider aiding millions of refugees in for a fraction of the budget allocated to fund foreign military aid in the region and create jobs in the process

  • Scalar design promotes small-town connectedness and healthy communities


  • Burgeoning space and high tech principles provide an opportunity for integration that radically change our world; electrified transportation for sea and air, offshore shipping docks, aircraft hubs and spacecraft pads; global communications infrastructure deep-sea satellite and submarine cable relay stations

  • Similitudes required for constructing extraterrestrial built environments offer a stepping stone for the industry plan to push humanity toward a multi-planetary species


  • The global economy of the world demands major changes and demonstration of a scalar, circular economy converts these challenges to opportunities

  • Localization creates a distributed utility infrastructure and eliminates resource scarcity for a net-positive built environment

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